Guiding Principles

Whanganui River Hunting Competition & Food Festival Guiding Principles:

Whānau: Refers to the whānau centric approach of everything we say and do – to our connection through whakapapa with those we awhi (support) and the strength that whānaungatanga (supporting family) provides as we work alongside marae, hapū and iwi to support and reconnect whanau.

Kotahitanga: Recognising that realising our potential is dependent on working constructively and collectively always focused on the kaupapa (plan) of putting the needs of whanau first.

Mahi: Understanding that achieving real change for real whānau requires constant and considered movement through collective action.

Pono: Conducting business on behalf of whānau in a manner reflecting the kaupapa of our organisation – with integrity, humility and transparency.

Tikanga: Holding close the traditions and customs handed down to us by our tūpuna which define us as a people – recognising that these are the cultural tenets which make us unique and provide the key cultural insights from which we can build initiatives to awhi whanau in ways that will have a positive impact.

The overarching outcomes are:

• Support whānau in developing processes that engages our people back onto a marae setting so they can support hapu and iwi with food gathering, legally, on their whanau land.

• Roll out a Hunting Competition and Food Festival which aims to increase regional iwi and other ethnic group participation.

• Engage whānau, hapu, Iwi with other key stakeholders into the event such as; Police, Department of Conservation (DOC), Whanganui City Council, Iwi Groups, Government Agencies and many other networks to improve whanau access and participation.